6161 Whitsett Ave., North Hollywood, CA 91606 • 818-762-7566
Licensed Practitioners
What is a Practitioner?
A licensed Practitioner of Religious Science is a spiritual coach trained to see the absolute Truth in any situation, whether it is physical or mental health, finances, relationships, career issues, etc. Their primary tools are Spiritual Mind Treatment and meditation. A practitioner holds in high regard the honor and privilege of doing spiritual coaching for those who request it, both in the church and in the world. They serve individuals privately in person, by phone, or sometimes by e-mail assisting them to see the Truth behind their present situation.
All sessions are held in the strictest confidence and are an opportunity for individuals to discuss their issues in an atmosphere of unconditional love and

receive support in how to work with the Science of Mind teachings. There is a fee for their professional services and financial arrangements are made directly with the practitioner.
Our Practitioners have completed 4 to 5 years of training and classes accredited by Centers for Spiritual Living to answer their Spiritual calling. A practitioner’s license is renewed every two years with their minister’s recommendation after having met service and continuing education requirements.
A licensed practitioner will pray with you after church service regarding any situation, circumstance, or goal you desire. These services after church are offered free of charge.
How do I choose a Practitioner?
This is a question often asked when a person is thinking of working with a practitioner in a spiritual coaching relationship. It is logical you would choose someone you feel comfortable with and someone you feel you can trust.
This is a perfect opportunity to engage in partnership with Spirit and allow your inner guidance to direct you. Every Sunday our practitioners offer “One-Minute-Miracle” prayer following each service. Upon entering service quiet your mind and ask your heart to guide you to a practitioner for prayer treatment. At the end of service notice to whom you are directed. After receiving your prayer treatment, let it resonate in your being and over the course of the next day or so, listen to your inner guidance when you ask, is this person with whom I am to work for my next step on the path of my spiritual unfoldment? Then take action.
Remember, the work of the practitioner is to facilitate the change in consciousness that brings about the changes you want in your life.
It is the Practitioner’s business to uncover God in every being.
Dr. Ernest Holmes,
The Science of Mind Text, pages 167-168
Prayer Request
In a healing consciousness of love, we are here for you with Affirmative Prayer.
Prayer with a Practitioner takes place following Wednesday and Sunday Services, in-person and on Zoom.
Our licensed Practitioners can also serve individuals privately with spiritual coaching.
Our 24/7 Dial-A-Prayer offers instant comfort and prayer support (call 818-762-7566 Option 3)
Our Prayer Request Line is available 24/7 for you to submit your prayer request (call 818-762-7566 Option 4).
You can submit a written prayer request to the Prayer Box at Wednesday and Sunday in-person services, or you can submit your prayer request here by using the form below.
How can we pray for you this week?
Prayer is offered as a free service for anyone who has a need. All Prayer requests shared with NHCRS are kept in the strictest confidence and will only be shared with the our Prayer Ministry for the purpose of prayer.